"Dorpsbelangen Rolde" is committed to combating cut-through traffic to and from Assen
The "Dorpsbelangen Rolde" association has started the fight against cut-through traffic that passes through Rolde on the way to and from Assen. The board of Dorpsbelangen has, among other things, started a petition to draw attention to this problem, which, according to them, threatens road safety and the quality of life in the village.
According to the Association of Dorpsbelangen Rolde, no less than 60 percent of the traffic that should take the N33 motorway to go to Assen chooses to drive through Rolde. According to them, this will lead to a significant increase in traffic through the village, with all its consequences for road safety.
The problem of cut-through traffic through Rolde is high on the agenda of Dorpsbelangen Rolde. The association has set itself the goal of taking structural measures to discourage cut-through traffic and improve road safety in the village. To strengthen their position, Dorpsbelangen has started a petition in which they call for action from the municipality and other parties involved.
The municipality of Aa en Hunze has already taken some measures to improve the traffic situation in Rolde. For example, warning lights and signs have been placed at dangerous crossings, such as Asserstraat. There is also talk of installing speed-reducing measures, such as curves in the road, to force traffic to drive more slowly.
However, Dorpsbelangen believes that these measures do not go far enough to tackle the problem of cut-through traffic. They argue for an integrated approach, which not only looks at Asserstraat, but also at other main roads in the village, such as the section through the village center to the entrance and exit ramps of the N33 motorway just outside the village.
One of the most important demands of Dorpsbelangen is the introduction of speed-reducing measures on the main roads through Rolde. Chairman Ben Ernens of Dorpsbelangen emphasizes the importance of effective measures to discourage cut-through traffic: "Only then are cars really discouraged from taking the road through Rolde," says Ernens. He proposes placing speed bumps or other obstacles on the road to force motorists to slow down and improve road safety.
In addition, Dorpsbelangen is critical of the lack of a ring road around the neighboring municipality of Assen, which they believe is one of the main causes of cut-through traffic through Rolde. The Rolder side of the ring road around Assen was never completed, forcing traffic to drive through Rolde. Dorpsbelangen believes that Assen is creating a problem for Rolde, and is also calling on the province of Drenthe to play a role in this and tackle the problem.
The battle against cut-through traffic through Rolde is not over yet. Dorpsbelangen remains committed to the interests of the residents of Rolde and continues to put pressure on the municipality, province and other parties involved to take concrete measures to reduce cut-through traffic and improve road safety.
You can sign the petition here: https://petities.nl/petitions/stop-sluipverkeer-door-rolde